2025 Jersey Classic Prize List
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2024 Jersey Classic Photo Gallery
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Tournament Shows
Academy riders in the early stages of learning to ride and drive horses find ASHA of NJ Tournament Shows are the perfect place to start and develop horse showing skills. Tournament Shows provide a more relaxed and less competitive atmosphere than standard horse shows and are geared toward fun and learning. Just like other skills, riding and driving horses require practice, and participating in tournaments is a great way to become more proficient while competing with others of similar ability and experience.
ASHA of NJ Tournaments count toward the Tournament High Point Year End Awards! You must be a member and enrolled in the Year End Awards program before the event for points to count.
Eligibility: Academy classes are limited to riders who are in lesson programs and who have never shown in anything other than Academy or Lead Line competition. Academy riders may not enter any other class at the horse shows in which they participate. Horses in academy division classes must be regularly used in a lesson program as school horses. Any breed is eligible. The horse is not to be judged.
2024 Tournament Photos
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